Need Help applying or renewing Medicaid/CHIP Health Coverage?

Healthy Kids Mississippi! is a state-wide faith-based coalition focused on raising public awareness and engaging consumers about health coverage options for children and their parents available through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid/CHIP, and federally qualified community health centers and promoting the importance of health and wellness and promoting the importance of health and wellness.
Download the Oak Hill Regional CDC app that is FREE OF CHARGE and stay up to date with all your Mississippi Healthcare needs.
For more information that is dealing with Covid-19 please visit the CDC website. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email or call us. We will gladly assist you.
Healthy Kids Mississippi team wants to reach out to as many families as we can across the state of Mississippi to share about the importance of obtaining Health Insurance. To better understand our process, please take a look at our video animation story below. For more information call us at (662)298-3584 or text us at (662)689-9712. We Welcome You! #HKMS #MS #HealthInsurance #Medicaid #CHIP
Have questions about Mississippi Medicaid/CHIP? Tune in to our monthly webinar that is a virtual Q&A that answers those questions. Starts at 6pm via Zoom as well as Healthy Kids Mississippi Facebook page. You'll be glad that you tuned in. Every last Monday of the month
Tune in as we share vital information as it relates to education, health and wellness, Child development, Mental Health, Child-Child Dynamics, Bullying, and so much more. Starts at 11 AM every THIRD WEDNESDAY of each month EXCEPT July and December.
Since some Mississippians applying for coverage might not qualify for a subsidy and/or Mississippi’s Medicaid program, we have been working with our state’s FQCHCs to help our fellow citizens find a medical home. These centers offer services on a sliding fee scale based on income. We continue to make referrals to FQCHCs.
Whether it’s online or in person, the Healthy Kids Mississippi! team wants to have a conversation with you. By arming you with just the facts, we want you to feel confident when it comes time to choose the best health insurance plan that’s right for you and your family.
Oak Hill Regional CDC 1775 Memphis Street, Suite B Hernando, MS 38632 US
Call: (662) 298-3584 Text: (662)689-9712
Open today | 09:00 am – 07:00 pm |
Monday - Friday: 9am - 4:30pm
Saturday; By appointment